Semi Auto Analyser

Product Code: KI-19-521


  1. 0.000 to 3.00 Absorbance Units (A)
  2. ? 2% or 0.007 A/hr whichever is higher
  3. 40 open Programs memory
  4. Interference
  5. 340, 405, 510, 545, 578 & 630 nm
  6. 10nm? 2nm
  7. Automatic by DC motor
  8. 500 ml /1000 ml
  9. 370C ? 10C
  10. Tungsten Halogen 6V / 10W with Auto switch off
  11. Single line, 16 Characters backlit
  12. Built in Thermal printer
  13. Absorbance, End Point Fixed Time, Kinetic, Differential, Ratio, PTT RS 232 serial port : 2400baud, 1 start, 8 data, 1 stop No parity.
  14. 50 watts
  15. 230 Volts ? 10%, 50 Hz or 110 Volts ? 10%, 60 Hz
  16. 11 1/2 X 10 X 5 cm (1 X b X h)
  17. Approx 5 Kgs.
Product Profile

  1. 40 Open Test programmes
  2. Cuvette volume only 500ml
  3. Easy to Programme
  4. Facility of performing Differential, Ratio PTT & Multi standard Chemistry Built in Thermal printer
  5. QC Programme
  6. Built in RS 232 serial Port
  7. Compact Lightweight design
  8. Unique SMPS power supply