Latest Servo Controlled Premature Baby Incubator (3 Display)

Product Code: KI-10-3505

“Kamal” servo controlled premature baby incubator has electronic servo controlled propotional type integrated circuit alongwith automatic self adjustment correction circuit & thus forming a highly sophisticated system.
Salient Features:

  1. Duel sensor system.
  2. Baby skin temp. & air temp can be read directly on display along with set temperature.
  3. Percentage display to see heater on condition.
  4. Alarm buzzers can be switched off.
  5. 0.1oC accuracy.
  6. Audiovisual alarms for different functions.
  7. Total cut-off system at 39oC.
  8. Temp control system through BABY as well as through air can be selected.
  9. Sensors for baby as well as air are of PT-100 type.

Other Features:
All features are equivalent to microprocessor premature baby incubator.