Anaesthesia Systems

Product Code: KI-1-010

KAMAL INTERNATIONAL has built an economical & practical choice for all essential Anaesthesia needs with highest level of patient sefety features using advance indigenous technology for Hospitals & Nursing Homes.

Safety Features:

  1. Meets with the safety features recommended by the international standards organisation.
  2. Nitrous Oxide supply to patient interlocked with oxygen, N2O supply snaps in the absence of oxygen supply.
  3. For better patient care management, electronic fool proof audible alarm system ensures warning at once on fall in oxygen supply pressure irrespective of Nitrous Oxide supply.
  4. Oxygen being a preffered gas kept on downstream of other Gas.
StructureSquare tubular Electrostatically powder coated steel sections.
Top TraySteel top tray at eye level to keep monitoring equipment etc. (595 mm ?? 330 mm).
Table TopStainless Steel (595 mm ?? 330 mm).
DrawerExtra large one storage drawer.
Cylinder YokesPin-indexed gas specific dual oxygen & nitrous oxide.
RegulatorsNitrolock system is provided which activates only when oxygen flowmeter control valve opens to prevent the risk of administering 100% nitrous oxide.
Nitro Lock UnitNitro lock system is provided which activates only when Oxygen Flowmeter control valve opens to prevent the risk of administering 100% Nitrous Oxide.
Oxygen failure warning DeviceA pneumatic device which activates an audible alarm when oxygen supply pressure falls 215 kpa.
RotametersLong (230 mm) rotating bobbin flowmeters accurately calibrated.
Oxygen – 100 ml/min to 8 Litres/min.
Nitrous Oxide – 200 ml/min to 12 Litres/min.
Oxygen flow control is on left side of flowmeter bank as it is preferred Gas.
VaporisersTwo plenum type vaporiser for Ether and Trilene supplied & one Halothane vaporiser as standard.
Non-return cum pressure
relief valve
Minimises risk of backflow of gases, blows off when pressure exceeds 200 cm water coloumn.
Emergency OxygenGuarded flush button out-let at table level.
AccessoriesOne Schrader type self sealing oxygen out-lets (4.22 kg/cm2) for ventilators etc. Extended rear platform for two 10 litre water capacity cylinders. Circle absorber can be securedly mounted on the left side of the main frame.
Breathing AttachmentStandard magill’s circuit.